Friday 18 July 2008

Something Smells Fishy!

I took the dog for a walk earlier tonight with my friend and her two lurchers (by walk, I mean we walk a couple of hundred yards down a lane, to a lovely woody area and field with a little stream, where there is a bench which we then sit on whilst the dogs chase each other, play in the water and run about and her and I sit there and gossip).

I'm quite new to the whole dog owning thing, this is my first dog where as my friend has kept dogs for years. On the way home, Bella (my dog, yellow labrador, just turned one) starts rolling around. "Oh, no! She's found something to roll in!", exclaims my friend. "Oh, she's just having an itch, she does it all the time", say I, in her defence. A minute later she comes running back to me with a fish head in her mouth stinking like something that's just crawled out of a sewer. It was absolutely vile! She smelt worse than we do after we've been out fishing on our boat. How wrong was I? Bloody thing. She's had to have a good scrub down and thorough clean before she was allowed back in the house.

I've learnt a valuable lesson about dogs.

Monday 7 July 2008

Shot Gun Saturday

I don't think going shooting in the rain isn't much fun for a girl. Or, maybe just me. Very handily though where we were shooting there was a lovely cafe in walking distance so it was hot chocolate with whipped cream and a cake for friend's daughter and I to share whilst the blokes were left out in the rain. We took home a quail and a pidgeon. They were quite tasty. I thought they tasted very similar to rabbit actually.

So, moral dilemma; Friend's daughter told me all sorts of things, in confidence. Things like her friends parents being dealers and how they're going to nick some and smoke a joint. I wonder how I would feel if my oldest son (he's only ten at the moment) told a friend of mine his intention to smoke it and she kept it from me. Obviously I'd be really pissed off that she hadn't told me. Thing is, I think I'd rather know and adult knew what son was up to and was keeping an eye on him. My friends' daughter is probably going to do what she wants anyway. I've told her about my experience with cannabis and how certain I am it's responsible for my agoraphobia so that might put her off. I've looked up more bad things about it on the net to tell her and ordered some leaflets from this website that also, hopefully, will put her off. Thing is, do I tell her parents? They'll go absolutely mad!! Ugh, I don't know what to do for the best. Is this perfectly normal behaviour for fourteen year olds these days? Do children really experiment this young??

Saturday 5 July 2008

A Rather Hairy Issue

I was reading my current favourite blog read earlier, Family Affairs and was reminded of a rather amusing incident.

A friend of mine tried to wax her "down there" bits at home. She said it hurt like buggery and she'll never do it again because when she tried to stand up her, "belly was stuck to her minge" (her words, not mine). I found this absolutely hilarious. I did helpfully point out that the best way to remove excess wax was using baby oil on the remaining wax. Ah dear, bless her.

Thursday 3 July 2008

First So Far

I've had a blog before. My other blog feels like another life now though and i get put off writing on that one now my life is so very different these days. I started my old blog when blogging was first introduced in the World. Before it became cool and ten a penny.

We're selling our boat tomorrow. Grumpy Husband has spent all evening in the garage getting it ready. I love our boat. I don't want to sell it but I know we need to. We had a baliff round earlier in the week for an unpaid council tax bill. Grumpy Husband had been out of work for four months prior. Not so much because he couldn't find a job, he just didn't seem to want to. I have no idea what that was really about. He seemed to enjoy his time sitting round the house watching Top Gear (which I have developed a strong loathing for) and going shooting whenever he likes.

What I'm not telling you is that we're actually upgrading out boat to a bigger one. i don't want a bigger one. I like the one we've got. It's easy to launch and it has history. Ah well.